6.3.2 HP StoreAll OS Release Notes

Firmware release version 1.42 provides the following enhancements:
The timeout for READ CAPACITY commands was increased to 45 seconds. Previously, certain
drive models would be identified as FAILED shortly after a replacement drive was inserted
(if the response time exceeded 15 seconds).
Fixed regressions introduced in firmware version 1.40 that caused the controller to occasionally
hang during replacement drive insertion.
ibdircheck no longer deletes a freshly-resolved migrated hard link. Previously, if a problematic
dentry was successfully resolved by lookup, ibdircheck did not check the dentry again and
the dentry may be accidentally deleted.
Fixed an error counter issue (the number of errors did not match the number of corrections) in
ibdircheck. Now, the error counter is increased once (instead of twice) when ibdircheck
finds and fixes a problematic dentry.
The firmware for 9730 disk drive models EG0300FBLSE and MB3000FBNW was corrected to
ensure that drive heads are safely parked during a loss of power.
Previously, the switch firmware was miscounting SAS frame errors, resulting in a generic warning
being displayed on the SAS switch.
An electrical signal on the cache module is now synchronized before being analyzed. Previously,
electrical noise on this signal had been driving the supercapacitor charging logic into an undefined
A deadlock in the switch’s internal thread handling was eliminated.
The controller firmware now retries certain operations that were prematurely marked as failed.
A reset signal on the cache module was previously being cleared prematurely in brownout
scenarios; this has been corrected.
The Firmware Management Tool now displays a more informative error message when it is unable
to retrieve a list of file serving nodes from the Fusion Manager.
During inode creation, the inode is now checked to see if it is a replica. This prevents inode
creation from failing due to the inode quota limit being exceeded.
8 6.3.1 release