6.0 HP StorageWorks X9000 File Serving Software CLI Reference (TA768-96040, October 2011)

Adds entries to or deletes entries from the SNMP MIB view.
A MIB view consists of a collection of view subtrees that can be included or excluded from the
view. Each view subtree is defined by a combination of OID subtree and a bit string mask.
The management console automatically creates the excludeAll view, which blocks access to
all OIDs. This view cannot be deleted. It is the default read and write view if a view is not specified
for a group with the ibrix_snmpgroup command. Its catch-all OID and mask are:
OID = .1
Mask = .1
Add a subtree entry to a MIB view:
ibrix_snmpview -a -v VIEWNAME [-t {include|exclude}] -o OID_SUBTREE [-m
The subtree is included in the named view by default.
Delete a MIB view:
ibrix_snmpview -d -v VIEWNAME
Display information about MIB views:
ibrix_snmpview -l [-v VIEWNAME]
For all views or the specified view, the output includes all entries by name, type, OID subtree value,
and mask bits value.
Adds an entry to a view.-a
Deletes a view.-d
Lists properties for SNMP views.-l
Specifies the mask bits paired with the OID subtree in a v3 MIB view. The mask bits identify
which of the OID subtree’s sub-identifiers are significant to the MIB view.
Identifies the root of the OID subtree to be included in or excluded from a MIB view.-o OID_SUBTREE
Indicates whether an OID subtree should be included in or excluded from a view. The
default is to include the subtree.
-t include | exclude
Specifies the name of a v3 MIB view.-v VIEWNAME
Shows the usage for this command.-?
See also
ibrix_snmpgroup, ibrix_snmpuser
ibrix_snmpview 127