6.0 HP StorageWorks X9000 File Serving Software CLI Reference (TA768-96040, October 2011)

Create a file system from the specified physical volumes in one step:
ibrix_fs -c -f FSNAME -p PVLIST [-a] [-q] [-o
The file system is created from the physical volumes in PVLIST. One volume group is created per
physical volume. Segments are then created from the volume groups and assigned to file serving
nodes in a round-robin manner.
Create a file system and enable data retention: Use an ibrix_fs -c command with the following
-o options:
-o "retenMode=<mode>,retenDefPeriod=<period>,retenMinPeriod=<period>,
The retenMode option is required and is either enterprise or relaxed. You can specify any,
all, or none of the period options. retenDefPeriod is the default retention period,
retenMinPeriod is the minimum retention period, and retenMaxPeriod is the maximum
retention period.
When using a period option, enter a decimal number, optionally followed by one of these
s (seconds)
m (minutes)
h (hours)
d (days)
w (weeks)
M (months)
y (years)
If you do not include a character specifier, the decimal number is interpreted as seconds.
When included in an ibrix_fs -c command, the following example creates a file system with
Enterprise mode retention, with a default retention period of 1 month, a minimum retention period
of 3 days, and a maximum retention period of 5 years:
-o "retenMode=enterprise,retenDefPeriod=1M,retenMinPeriod=3d,
Other options for creating a file system
The following options can be used with any of the create commands:
Create a mountpoint with the same name as the file system and then mount the file system.
Enable quotas on the file system.
Assign the file-system segments to the specified tier.
-o compat=no
Enable 64-bit mode on the file system.
-o compat=yes,maxsegs=n
Create a 32-bit file system and specify the maximum number of segments to allow in the file
system. The valid values for maxsegs are 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255.
If none of these options are specified, the new file system is created with quotas disabled, with no
mountpoint, and with 32-bit mode compatibility enabled.
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