6.0 HP X9000 File Serving Software File System User Guide (TA768-96043, October 2011)

related documentation, 159
Export Control, enable, 21
file allocation
defined, 155
list policies, 158
policies, defined, 155
precedence rules, 156
set file and directory policies, 156
set segment preferences, 157
tune policy settings, 158
file serving nodes
add a CIFS share, 60
delete, 40
modify a CIFS share, 61, 62
SAN I/O, 10
segment management, 9
unmount a file system, 20
view CIFS shares, 58
file system
data retention and validation, 112
file systems
32-bit mode, disable, 39
64-bit mode, 12
allocation policy, 9
case-insensitive filenames, 47
check and repair, 40
components of, 10
from CLI, 17
New Filesystem WizardI, 12
options for, 12
tiered file system, 148
delete, 39
delete tier policy rule, 151
disk space information, 35
expand tiered file system, 149
Export Control, enable, 21
extend, 35
file allocation, 155
file limit, 18
list information
tier policy, 150
tiers on file system, 150
list+found directory, 35
mount, 18, 19
mountpoints, create from CLI, 19
mountpoints, delete, 19
mountpoints, view, 18, 19
export, 44
unexport, 46
performance, 31
quotas, 22
remote replication, 100
assign to tiers, 150
defined, 9
rebalance, 36
remove from tiers, 150
snapshots, block, 135
snapshots, software, 126
structure of, 9
troubleshooting, 41, 42
unmount, 20
view summary information, 33
filenames, case-insensitive, 47
FTP, 75
configuration best practices, 75
configuration profile
add, 76
delete, 77
modify, 77
view, 77
FTP share
access, 81
add, 77
modify, 80
view, 80
start or stop, 80
vsftpd service, 80
obtaining, 159
hostgroups, 19
technical support, 159
HP websites, 159
Apache tunables, 87
authentication methods, 51
configuration, 83
configuration best practices, 83
configuration profile, 84
configuration profille
add from CLI, 87
delete, 88
modify, 87
view, 88
configure local groups, 53
configure local users, 55
HTTP Wizard, 84
share, 89
access, 91
add, 90
delete, 91
modify, 90
view, 90
start or stop, 91
troubleshooting, 94
virtual host, 88
WebDAV shares, 92