6.0 HP X9000 File Serving Software File System User Guide (TA768-96043, October 2011)

For anonymous users:
Upload a file using HTTP protocol:
curl -T <filename> http://IP_address:port/urlpath/
Upload a file using HTTPS protocol:
curl --cacert <cacert_file> -T <filename>
Download a file using HTTP protocol:
curl http://IP_address:port/urlpath/<filename> -o <path to
Download a file using HTTPS protocol:
curl --cacert <cacert_file>
https://IP_address:port/urlpath/<filename> -o <path to
For Active Directory users (specify the user as in this example: mycompany.com\\User1):
Upload a file using HTTP protocol:
curl T <filename> -u <ADuser> http://IP_address:port/urlpath/
Upload a file using HTTPS protocol:
curl --cacert <cacert_file> -T <filename> -u <ADuser>
Download a file using HTTP protocol:
curl -u <ADuser> http://IP_address/dils/urlpath -o path to
Download a file using HTTPS protocol:
curl --cacert <cacert_file> -u <ADuser>
https://IP_address:port/urlpath/<file_name> -o path to
Configuring Windows clients to access HTTP WebDAV shares
Complete the following steps to set up and access WebDAV enabled shares:
Verify the entry in the Windows hosts file.
Before mapping a network drive in Windows, verify that an entry exists in the c:\Windows\
System32\drivers\etc\hosts file. For example, IP address is assigned to
a Vhost named vhost1, and if the Vhost name is not being used to map the network drive,
the client should be able to resolve the domain name such as www.storage.hp.com (in reference
to domain name-based virtual hosts).
Verify the characters in the Windows hosts file.
The Windows c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file specifies IP versus
hostname mapping. Verify that the hostname in the file includes alpha-numeric characters
Verify that the WebClient Service is started.
The WebClient Service must be started on Windows-based clients attempting to access the
WebDAV share. The WebClient service is missing by default on Windows 2008. To install
the WebClient service, the Desktop Experience package must be installed. See http://
technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc754314.aspx for more information.
92 Using HTTP