10.5 HP StoreVirtual LeftHand OS Command Line Interface User Guide (AX696-96242, March 2013)

18| HP StoreVirtual CLI| Commands
accessRights Optional The access rights to the volume: r - read-only, x - no access, rw - read-
write (default)
initiator Optional A semicolon delimited string of host IQN's. If this is not specified, the
IQN of the local server is used (this parameter is required if run on a
storage system). Valid characters are any letter, number, international
character or '-', '.' and ':' characters.
vipLoadBalance Optional Use VIP load balancing for this host. This can be one of: 0 = disabled
or 1 = enabled, 1 is the default.
exclusiveAccess Optional Remove any previous server access rights to this volume. This can be
one of: 0 = disabled or 1 = enabled, 1 is the default
cliq assignVolume volumeName=TheVolume
login= userName=admin passWord=secret
cliq assignVolume volumeName=TheVolume
This command assigns a volume to a server. This assignment sets the access to a volume, using CHAP
Availability: Windows, SSH
Version: 8.0
Request Syntax
cliq assignVolumeChap volumeName= targetSecret= login= userName= passWord=
login Required The IP addresses or DNS-resolvable names of one or more storage
userName Conditional The authentication user name for the storage system. (Parameters
userName/passWord or groupName must be specified).
passWord Conditional The password for the storage system. (Parameters userName/passWord
or groupName must be specified).
groupName Conditional The name of the management group with cached credentials.
(Parameters userName/passWord or groupName must be specified).
volumeName Required The name of the volume
targetSecret Required The CHAP target secret for the volume.
namePrefix Optional A prefix string for newly created objects. A unique number value will be
concatenated to this prefix to guarantee name uniqueness.
accessRights Optional The access rights to the volume: r - read-only, x - no access, rw - read-
write (default)
chapName Optional The CHAP name for the volume. If this is not specified, the IQN of
the local server is used (this parameter is required if run on a storage
initiatorSecret Optional The CHAP initiator secret for the volume.
vipLoadBalance Optional Use VIP load balancing for this host. This can be one of: 0 = disabled
or 1 = enabled, 1 is the default.
exclusiveAccess Optional Remove any previous server access rights to this volume. This can be
one of: 0 = disabled or 1 = enabled, 1 is the default