HP SureStore AutoBackup Administrator's Guide - Not Orderable

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autoloader The HP SureStore DAT40x6 autoloader, which is recommended
for optional tape backup with the HP SureStore AutoBackup
PC100 model .
see computer account
administrator The person responsible for initializing the system, defining
backup settings as appropriate, monitoring backup status for all
protected computers and creating disaster recovery CD-ROMS
and tape backups, as required.
An application for performing advanced operations on a backup
server, including managing multiple protected computers.
appliance The HP SureStore AutoBackup appliance is a computer where
information from one or more protected computers is stored. This
computer contains either one (Model PC 25) or two (Model PC
100) disk drives and software to manage the files stored on it and
to interact with protected computers and consoles.
Archiving A process, where valuable data is written to another media for
long-term storage. This is not the same as backup, and HP
SureStore AutoBackup should not be used as a substitute for
See HP SureStore AutoBackup.
backup The general term for saving computer-based information so that it
can be restored in case the information is lost or otherwise
unavailable. See also backup log, baseline backup, full backup,
manual backup, partial backup, and tape backup.
file:///D|/ADMIN_~1/eng/admin/gloss.htm (1 of 8) [5/3/2000 3:33:03 PM]