HP SureStore AutoBackup Administrator's Guide - Not Orderable

The appliance cannot be accessed over
the network.
There are three possible causes for this.
The first is that there may be a TCP/IP address conflict on the network. This can be
checked by examining the LCD of the appliance, which should display the message
"Duplicate network settings detected". If this is the case then the LCD will display an
error message, and the lightbar will blink amber. Check the address of the appliance
with the other computers on the network, and if it matches one of the other machines,
reinitialize the appliance and change the IP address.
The second is due to the fact that the install software must be executed from a client
on the same network sub-net as the appliance. Check with your network
administrator to ensure this is so.
Finally, if DHCP is being used then the DHCP server may have a problem. This can
be checked by examining the LCD of the appliance, which should display the
message "Network error detected". Check with your network administrator that the
DHCP server is working properly.
Once the appliance has been setup, there is an important consideration to bear in
mind when changing the IP address.
The appliance can use a static IP address, and if this is changed and clients are trying
to communicate with the appliance through routers, then these protected computers
will try to talk to the previous address, and will not receive any answer. Clients on
the same sub-net will be automatically updated.
The solution to this problem, is either to change the IP address of the appliance back
to what it was when the clients could communicate, or to reinstall the client software
using the Re-install from Existing Backup Account. The reinstallation process
ensures that the correct address is used.
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The backup is taking a long time.
The speed of backup depends upon two factors: the speed of the network and the
number of users on the network. Backing up on a slow network will take longer than
on a fast one. If there are many users on the network, then the rate at which the data
travels over the network will decrease. If many users are trying to back up
simultaneously, it may take longer to perform that operation. It is recommended that
the backups are performed automatically, using the scheduling system. This system
helps spread out the times at which individual computers are backed up, thus
preventing potential bottlenecks.
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Troubleshooting, Network
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