System Management Homepage 6.2 Installation and Configuration Guide

only (nothing listens on port 2381, so that port fails). When it contacts port 2301 (http), then the HP-UX
Apache-based Web Server starts on port 2381 (https), and the page redirects.
Automatic startup on boot
This mode starts HP SMH automatically during system initialization. If the automatic startup on boot
start mode is enabled and the system was rebooted using this configuration, you can access HP SMH
using a web browser and navigating to https://hostname:2381/. Daemons listen on both
http://hostname:2301/ and https://hostname:2381/. If you use port 2301 (http), then the HP-UX
Apache-based Web Server starts on port 2381 (https), and the page automatically redirects.
NOTE: For autostart URL and automatic startup on boot, you can use http://hostname:2301. This
is possible on an HP-UX operating system only.
Manual startup
You can start HP SMH from the HP-UX CLI.
Configure the startup mode of the HP SMH server and the Tomcat instance using
/opt/hpsmh/bin/smhstartconfig script.
Syntax: smhstartconfig [ -a {on|off} -b {on|off} ] [ -t {on|off} ]
-a {on|off} Enable or disable the autostart URL mode.
-b {on|off} Enable or disable the automatic startup on boot mode.
-t {on|off} Set the Tomcat startup mode where:
on Starts Tomcat when HP SMH starts.
off Starts Tomcat on demand (default).
You can start HP SMH from the HP-UX CLI.
To configure the Apache version to be used by the HP SMH (HP-UX 11i v3), execute the following
smhstartconfig -v {2.0|2.2}
where, selecting:
2.2 starts HP SMH with Apache 2.2
2.0 starts HP SMH with Apache 2.0
If you do not specify an option, then smhstartconfig displays the current startup mode. The
smhstartconfig command does not accept -a on and -b on options simultaneously.
For more information, see the
(1M) manpage:
man smhstartconfig or man sam
After changing the autostart mode to "on boot" (with the smhstartconfig -b on -a off command),
you can start the HP-UX Apache-based Web Server processes with the /opt/hpsmh/lbin/hpsmh
start command without rebooting.
Disabling port 2301
You can disable port 2301. In the smhpd.xml file the <port2301> tag by default is set to True. To disable
port 2301, you must set the value to False. You can use the smhconfig command to modify the configuration.
For more information about using the smhconfig command, see the
(1M) manpage.
Patching or updating HP SMH software
HP might issue patches to HP SMH. You can adopt a proactive patch management strategy and regularly
check the standard patch resources:
IT Resource Center (ITRC) at
Standard HP-UX patch bundles on the OE and Applications media, and the ITRC
18 Installing HP SMH on HP-UX operating systems