HP Systems Insight Manager 7.1 Database Tables

DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
Local to HPUX_Bundle; a software pattern matching
string describing valid machine members of the
uname structure as defined by POSIX.1 (2) section
4.4.1 (It is used for determining compatibility.)
Inherited from CIM_Product.SKUNumber; product
SKU information
Local to HPUX_Bundle; a software pattern matching
string describing valid sysname members of the
uname structure as defined by POSIX.1 (2), section
4.4.1 (It is used for determining compatibility.)
Local to HPUX_Bundle a software pattern matching
string describing valid release members of the uname
structure as defined by POSIX.1 (2), section 4.4.1
(It is used for determining compatibility.)
Local to HPUX_Bundle; a software pattern matching
string describing valid version members of the uname
structure as defined by POSIX.1 (2), section 4.4.1
(It is used for determining compatibility.)
Local to HPUX_Bundle; a Boolean value indicating
whether this software object is a patch
Local to HPUX_Bundle; location of source from where
software was installed
Local to HPUX_Bundle; supplies information on
version of POSIX compatibility and corresponds to
the operating system release that packaged or
installed the software
Local to HPUX_Bundle; date timestamp of day, month,
year and time when the software was installed on
the system; stored as MS since the Epoch
Local to HPUX_Bundle; the Fileset Software
Specification of the bundle's content
HPUX_DNSService table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
LUID uniquely defining this table rowBIGINTDNSService_LUID
Node partly identifies HPUX_DNSServiceBIGINTNodeID
Snapshot partly identifies HPUX_DNSServiceBIGINTSnapshotID
Equates to CIM_ComputerSystemNVARCHAR(256)SystemCreationClassName
Equates to CIM_ComputerSystem.Name were
NodeID is equal
Inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement.Name;
the Name property defines the label by which the
object is known
The search list for host-name lookup; this attribute
and Domain Name attribute are mutually exclusive
Specifies the IP addresses in dot notation format of
the name servesr that the resolver should search (It
can list up to 9 name servers. These names are space
88 HP SIM database tables