HP SIM V5.1 User Guide (356920-009, January 2007)

Product Description
NOTE: This section can be expanded by clicking or collapsed by clicking .
This section includes the following information:
Complex Name The name of the complex returned from identification
Product Name The product name as defined by the manufacturer
Serial Number The serial number of the complex returned from identification
Product Number - Current
Product Number - Original
Complex Profile Revision
Active Service Processor Location
Summary of Components
For a Complex Participating in iCOD:
Computer Cabinets
I/O Cabinets A cabinet is the Superdome's hardware box, which contains the cells, Guardian
Service Processor (GSP), internal I/O chassis, I/O fans, cabinet fans, and power supplies.
nPartitions The partition of an HP server, comprising a group of cells (containing CPUs and memory)
and I/O chassis (containing I/O systems)
Licensed Cells
Unlicensed/iCOD Cells
Licenses Processors
Unlicensed/iCOD Processors
DIMMs The DIMM memory chips installed
Licensed Memory (GB)
Unlicensed/ICOD Memory (GB)
I/O Cards
ICOD Balance
For a Complex Not Participating in iCOD:
Computer Cabinets
I/O Cabinets
System Page 371