HP SIM V5.1 User Guide (356920-009, January 2007)

Polling task. Enabling this option causes a system reachable event to be created whenever the
system is reachable again.
Automatically clear unreachable system status change events when system is reachable.
If this option is enabled, when a system that was previously unreachable starts to respond, the
previous unreachable event is marked with a cleared state.
3. Click OK to apply changes.
Related procedures
Managing event handling tasks
Creating an automatic event handling task
Configuring e-mail settings
Configuring event filters for registered SNMP traps
Configuring modem settings for paging
Configuring SNMP traps
WBEM indications
Related topics
Examples of e-mail pages
WBEM indications
HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM) enables you to add and remove subscriptions to Web-Based Enterprise
Management (WBEM) indication events through the GUI. You can also add and remove subscriptions to
WBEM indication events from the
command line interface
(CLI). If you do not subscribe to WBEM indication
events for a system that supports them, any WBEM events that occur will not appear on the event table view
OpenSSH must be installed and set up on the
Central Management Server
(CMS) with the keys enabled for
SSH. See “Installing OpenSSH” for more information.
WBEM events support HP-UX, Linux, and SMI-S devices (such as storage, switches, and tape libraries).
WBEM events for HP-UX and Linux systems require WBEM services 2.0 to be installed on the managed
systems. Each managed system must have the correct event provider installed (for example, the EMS wrapper
indication (event) provider on HP-UX). See “Setting up managed systems for information on installing WBEM
services and providers. The mxwbemsub command requires root privilege on HP-UX or Linux. OpenSSH is
only used when menu tools are executed. If mxwbemsub is executed at the command line, it does not require
To set the port on which WBEM indications are received, edit the globalsettings.props file and the
WBEM_indications_Listener_Port property. The default value for the port is 50004
(WBEM_indications_Listener_Port=50004). If this port is unavailable, edit the file and assign a
suitable value. If HP SIM is running, stop the service and restart it for the new port to be accessed. If WBEM
event subscriptions have been set up with the default port settings, delete and add the subscriptions again
so that the new port is used when WBEM events are sent to the CMS.
You can subscribe and unsubscribe to WBEM indication events. To access these options, select
OptionsEventsSubscribe to WBEM Events and OptionsEventsUnsubscribe to WBEM
Related procedures
Subscribing to WBEM indications
Unsubscribing to WBEM indications
Related topics
WBEM indications
Creating a task
Events 479