HP SIM V5.1 User Guide (356920-009, January 2007)

Restoring data files for PostgreSQL
To restore the database from a saved copy:
1. If performing a reinstallation of HP SIM, proceed as directed in the http://h18013.www1.hp.com/
2. If HP SIM is running, enter mxstop in the command line to stop the HP SIM daemons.
3. To verify that all HP SIM mx processes have stopped, run:
ps -ef | grep mx
For HP-UX, proceed with step 4.
4. For HP-UX:
a. Uninstall the SysMgmtDB:
swremove -x enforce_dependencies=false SysMgmtDB
b. Install Sys Managhement DB from HP SIM's Depot file:
swinstall -s /hpsim.depot SysMgmtDB
5. For Linux:
a. To edit the pg_hba.conf file, enter:
vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
and add:
local insight_v1_0 mxadmin password
local all all trust
host insight_v1_0 root trust
b. Stop the postgreSQL service:
For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
/etc/init.d/postgresql stop
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux (all versions)
/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop
c. Shift the user : Login as postgres:
su postgres
d. To delete the dabase, enter:
cd /usr/bin
and then run:
dropdb -p 5432 h i e insight_v1_0
6. Create a database with the name insight_v1_0:
For HP-UX:
cd /opt/hpsmdb/pgsql/bin
./createdb -O hpsmdb -h -p 50006 -U hpsmdb insight_v1_0
For Linux:
cd /usr/bin
./createdb O postgres h p 5432 U postgres insight v1 0
Backing up and restoring the database 519