HP SIM V5.1 User Guide (356920-009, January 2007)

characters of the CMS name in the domain field to sign in. For example, if your Windows CMS is named
"SIMwin2003withsp2" and you have a local account "bob," then sign in with username = "bob" and
domain = "SIMwin2003withs." Any new local user account created cannot sign in, unless they were created
using only the first 15 characters of the system name entered in domain name field and signed in using the
SMI-S providers
HP SIM relies on CIM/WBEM servers and providers that conform to the
Storage Management Initiative
. Before HP SIM can manage and report on a
storage system
, the appropriate SMI-S provider must
be installed and configured.
Testing SMI-S provider installations
Complete the following procedure to test an SMI-S provider installation.
1. Open a DOS window on the CMS.
2. Set the current directory to ./Program Files/HP/Systems Insight Manager/.
3. For each installed provider, type: wbemdisco <host> <port> <interopnamespace> <user>
See the following table for more information about each command option.
The IP address or DNS name of the SMA or PC on which the SMI-S provider is installed.<host>
The port on which the SMI-S provider is running.<port>
The “interoperability” namespace of the provider.<namespace>
The user name giving access to the data available from the provider.<user>
The corresponding password giving access to the data available from the provider.<password>
4. The output should be similar to the following:
HOST = coresma2
PORT = 5989
NAMESP = root
USER = administrator
PASSWD = ***** Connect to coresma2 in namespace root
with SSL=true
Enumerating instances of CIM_Registered Profile...
SubProfile.RegisteredName=SNIA:Pool Manipulation
Capabilities and Settings
SubProfile.RegisteredName=SNIA:Backend Ports
SubProfile.RegisteredName=SNIA:LUN Mapping and
SubProfile.RegisteredName=SNIA:LUN Creation
SubProfile.RegisteredName=SNIA:Copy Services
SubProfile.RegisteredName=SNIA:Access Point
NameSpace = root/eva
SMI-S providers 567