HP SIM V5.1 User Guide (356920-009, January 2007)

CIM_ActiveConnection table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
A ServiceAccessPoint that is configured to communicate
and/or is actively communicating with the Dependent SAP.
In a unidirectional connection, this is the SAP that is
A second SeriveAccessPoint that an communicate with the
Antecedent SAP. In a unidirectional connection, this is the
SAP that is receiving the communication.
CIM_Chassis table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
LUID uniquely defines this rowBIGINTChassis_LUID
Partly identifies CIM_ChassisBIGINTNodeID
Partly identifies CIM_ChassisBIGINTSnapshotID
Partly identifies CIM_Chassis and equates to CIM_ChassisNVARCHAR(256)CreationClassName
An arbitrary string that uniquely identifies the Physical
Element, serves as the Element key and can contain
information such as asset tag or serial number data
The product ID string of the enclosure and is empty if the
enclosure does not report the productID string
If the chassis is part of a rack, then this attribute is
CIM_Rack; otherwise, it is CIM_ComputerSystem
If the chassis is part of a rack, then this attribute is the value
of CIM_Rack.Name; otherwise, it is the value of the owning
A label by which the object is knownNVARCHAR(256)Name
A user-friendly name for the objectNVARCHAR(256)ElementName
Inherited from CIM_PhysicalPackage.Width and is the width
of the Physical Package in inches
Inherited from CIM_PhysicalPackage.Height and is the
height of the Physical Package in inches
Inherited from CIM_PhysicalPackage.Depth and is the depth
of the Physical Package in inches
Inherited from CIM_PhysicalElement.SerialNumber and is
a manufacturer-allocated number used to identify the
Physical Element
Inherited from CIM_PhysicalElement.PartNumber and is the
part number assigned by the organization responsible for
producing or manufacturing the Physical Element
Inherited from CIM_PhysicalElement.SKU and is the stock
keeping unit number for this Physical Element
Inherited from CIM_PhysicalElement.Model and is the name
by which the Physical Element is generally known
Name of the manufacturer of the componentNVARCHAR(256)Manufacturer
An enumeration of CIM_ChassisTypes. (1 = Other, 2 =
Unknown, 3 = Desktop, 4 = Low Profile Desktop, 5 = Pizza
Box, 6 = Mini Tower, 7 = Tower, 8 = Portable, 9 = Laptop,
10 = Notebook, 11 = Hand Held, 12 = Docking Station,
13 = All in One, 14 = Sub Notebook, 15 = Space Saving,
16 = Lunch Box, 17 = Main System Chassis, 18 =
Expansion Chassis, 19 = SubChassis, 20 = Bus Expansion
Chassis, 21 = Peripheral Chassis, 22 = Storage Chassis,
23 = Rack Mount Chassis, 24 = Sealed-Case PC)
Database tables 585