HP Systems Insight Manager 7.2 Database Tables

HPUX_DNSService table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
LUID uniquely defining this table rowBIGINTDNSService_LUID
Node partly identifies HPUX_DNSServiceBIGINTNodeID
Snapshot partly identifies HPUX_DNSServiceBIGINTSnapshotID
Equates to CIM_ComputerSystemNVARCHAR(256)SystemCreationClassName
Equates to CIM_ComputerSystem.Name were
NodeID is equal
Inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement.Name;
the Name property defines the label by which the
object is known
The search list for host-name lookup; this attribute
and Domain Name attribute are mutually exclusive
Specifies the IP addresses in dot notation format of
the name servesr that the resolver should search (It
can list up to 9 name servers. These names are space
HPUX_Fileset table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
LUID uniquely defining this table rowBIGINTFileset_LUID
Node partly identifies HPUX_FilesetBIGINTNodeID
Snapshot partly identifies HPUX_FilesetBIGINTSnapshotID
Inherited from
CIM_SoftwareElement.SoftwareElementID; this is an
identifier for the SoftwareElement and is designed to
be used in conjunction with other keys to create a
unique representation of the element
Inherited from CIM_SoftwareElement.Name; the
name used to identify this software element
Inherited from CIM_SoftwareElement.Version;
Software Version should be in the form
<Major>.<Minor>.<Revision> or
Inherited from
(Uses CIM_OperatingSystem.OSType enumeration:
0 = Unknown, 1 = Other, 2 = MACOS, 3 =
ATTUNIX, 4 = DGUX, 5 = DECNT, 6 = Digital Unix,
7 = OpenVMS, 8 = HPUX, 9 = AIX, 10 = MVS, 11
= OS400, 12 = OS/2, 13 = JavaVM, 14 = MSDOS,
15 = WIN3x, 16 = WIN95, 17 = WIN98, 18 =
WINNT, 19 = WINCE, 20 = NCR3000, 21 =
NetWare, 22 = OSF, 23 = DC/OS, 24 = Reliant
UNIX, 25 = SCO UnixWare, 26 = SCO
OpenServer, 27 = Sequent, 28 = IRIX, 29 = Solaris,
30 = SunOS, 31 = U6000, 32 = ASERIES, 33 =
TandemNSK, 34 = TandemNT, 35 = BS2000, 36
= LINUX, 37 = Lynx, 38 = XENIX, 39 = VM/ESA,
40 = Interactive UNIX, 41 = BSDUNIX, 42 =
FreeBSD, 43 = NetBSD, 44 = GNU Hurd, 45 =
Database tables 89