Collections in HP Systems Insight Manager 5.1 or greater (441487-001, January 2009)

Note: When you create event collections, you cannot select individual events. However, you can
select event collections, which enables you to create a convenient hierarchy.
By attribute
When you create a collection, you can describe the contents of the collection by the attributes of its
members. Collections defined by attributes are dynamic because each time they are invoked, the
contents are determined again.
You can use many system attributes for creating collections, for example, system name (full or partial),
operating system, or system type. For event collections, some of the attributes you can select are
cleared status, type, severity, and time. You can combine multiple attributes to create the exact group
of systems or events that you need.
To create collections by attribute, click [Save As Collection] from the Advanced Search page or
click [New] from the Customize Collections page. Then, in the New Collection section, select
Choose members by attributes. Select the attributes and click Save As Collection.
Because collections by attribute use a database query, collections that are complex take more system
resources every time they are accessed. Keeping collections simple minimizes performance impact.