HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows HP Part Number: 418812-005

understanding, 73
removing HP Systems Insight Manager
Windows CMS, 96
repository (see database)
central management server, 15
managed system, 17
RSSWM (see Remote Support Software Manager)
search, 100
Secure HTTP, 13
Secure Shell, 13
access, 12
certificate authority, 14
command line interface, 12
firewalls, 14
graphical user interface, 12
ports, 14
self-signed certificates, 14
Web server, 14
X applications, 14
self-signed certificates, 14
Servicecontrol Manager 3.0 comparison, 8
setting up
automatic event handling, 59
managed systems - Windows, 64
add authorizations, 56
add toolboxes, 55
add user groups, 55
add users, 54
automatic event handling, 59
configure paging settings, 58
configuring email settings, 58
discovery, 61
managed systems, 64
protocol settings, 52
short and long task lifetimes, 107
silent install, 24
Simple Network Management Protocol, 14
SMTP settings, 48
SNMP, 13, 14, 45, 49, 64
first time wizard, 45
spoofing, 14
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, 11
SSH, 13, 64
Storage Management Initiative Specification
storage, 71
system automatic discovery, 46
system group
overview (see )
system key, 100
Task Results Page
entry lifetime configuration, 107
time-out policy
configuration, 105
add, 55
tools, 10
command line, 10
web, 10
X Window, 10
troubleshooting, 109
types of tools, 10
typical install, 24
Typical upgrade
upgrade, 87
typographic conventions, 2
Uninstall Central Management Server
removing HP Systems Insight Manager on Windows,
Custom upgrade HP Systems Insight Manager, 87
upgrading HP Systems Insight Manager, 87
user groups
add, 55
user settings, 45, 49
add, 54
add authorizations, 56
WBEM, 13, 45, 49
first time wizard, 45, 48
Web Based Enterprise Management, 13
Web server security, 14
managed systems, 64
Windows CMS
installation and configuration, 30
removing HP Systems Insight Manager, 96
Windows CMS install
system preparation, 24
Windows CMS upgrade
upgrading and configuration, 87
Windows Installation, 24
WMI Mapper Proxy
first time wizard, 48
WMI mapper proxy
first time wizard, 45
X application security, 14
134 Index