System Management Homepage 6.3 Installation and Configuration Guide

10. After installation is finished, the Installation Result panel appears.
In the Installation Result panel, the Reboot Now and Exit buttons appear.
11. To reboot the system, select Reboot Now. To exit the program, select Exit. The HP Smart Update
Manager program is complete.
Preconfiguring the HP SMH component
1. From the Welcome to the Configuration Wizard for the HP System Management Homepage
Component page, click Next. The Operating Systems Groups page appears.
2. In the Group Name field, enter the name of an operating system group that you want to assign (for
example, vcadmin).
3. In the Operating Level field, select the appropriate level for the new group from the dropdown list.
Note: The default Administrator and any account under Administrators Group always have
administrative access.
4. Click Add to assign the group. The new group appears under the operating system group to which it
is assigned.
Note: You can add up to five entries for each operating system group.
5. Click Next. You can click Save to save your changes up to this point or click Cancel to discard the
changes and close the wizard.
6. Select one of the following options:
Anonymous Access Anonymous Access is disabled by default. Anonymous Access enables
a user to access HP SMH without logging in. Select this option to allow anonymous access.
CAUTION: HP does not recommend the use of anonymous access.
Local Access Local Access is disabled by default. Local Access enables a user to locally gain
access to the HP SMH without being challenged for authentication. If you select Administrator
any user with access to the local console is granted full access. If you select Anonymous, any
local user has access limited to unsecured pages without being challenged for a user name and
CAUTION: HP does not recommend the use of local access unless your management server
software enables it.
7. Click Next. You can click Save to save your changes up to this point, or click Cancel to discard the
changes and close the wizard.
8. Select one of the following Trust Mode security options:
Trust by Certificate Sets the HP SMH to accept configuration changes only from HP SIM servers
with trusted certificates. This mode requires the submitted server to provide authentication by means
of certificates. This mode is the strongest method of security because it requires certificate data
and verifies the digital signature before allowing access. If you do not want to enable any remote
configuration changes, leave Trust by Certificate selected and leave the list of trusted systems
empty to avoid importing any certificates.
NOTE: HP strongly recommends using this option because the other options are less secure.
To trust by certificate:
1. Select Trust by Certificate, and click Next.
2. In the Certificate Name field, click Browse to select the certificate file. After you select the
certificate file, the certificate data appears on the screen.
Preconfiguring the HP SMH component 47