System Management Homepage 6.3 Installation and Configuration Guide

A. Enter File: /home/ServerName/cert1.pem .
B. Press Enter. The cert1.pem is added to the Trusted Certificates List.
If the certificate file does not exist, a message appears indicating that
/home/ServerName/cert1.pem does not exist.
C. Add as many certificates as you want by repeating these steps. Press Enter when you
To import a certificate:
Enter 2. You are prompted for the server name.1.
2. Enter the name or IP address of the HP SIM server and press Enter. The certificate appears.
The following options are available:
Enter 1 to accept the certificate. The file is saved.
Enter 2 to reject the certificate. The file is not imported.
3. Press Enter when you finish. The imported certificates appear in the Trusted Certificates
List. You can import additional certificates by repeating these steps.
4. Press Enter when you finish importing certificate files.
To delete a certificate:
Enter 3. You are prompted to enter the certificate file number.1.
2. Enter the certificate file number.
3. Press Enter when you finish. You can delete additional certificate files by repeating these
4. Press Enter when you finish.
Trust by Name
Enter 2 to Trust by Name. Trust Mode: Trust by Name appears.1.
2. Enter 4 to Modify Server Name list.
To add an HP SIM server certificate name:
A. Enter 1. You are prompted to add an HP SIM server certificate name.
B. Enter the name of the certificate of HP SIM server to be trusted and press Enter. The
certificate name appears in the Trusted Server Names list.
Note: You can add a maximum of five server certificate names.
To delete a certificate name:
A. From the Server Name list, enter 2.
B. Enter the number associated with the HP SIM server certificate name. The HP SIM server
certificate name is removed from the Server Name list.
3. Enter n for next. The Trust Mode Settings screen appears.
Trust All
Enter 3 to Trust All. Trust Mode: Trust All appears.1.
2. Enter n for next. The IP Binding screen appears.
Modify Certificate List
Enter 4 to Modify Certificate List.
7. Bind IP addresses that match a subnet and netmask.
The following options are available:
Enable IP Binding
Enter 1 to enable the IP Binding, which sets it to ON. IP Binding: ON appears.1.
2. Enter n to go to the next screen.
The following options are available:
To add an IP address:
Configuring HP SMH 55