HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

The Toolboxes section enables you to configure groups of
. The following toolboxes are created during
the installation process::
The All Tools toolbox contains all tools in the
Central Management Server
The Monitor Tools toolbox contains tools that display the state of the
managed systems
but not tools
that change the state of the managed systems. For example, the Monitor Tools toolbox permits viewing
installed software but does not permit installing software.
The Full Rights toolbox contains all tools in the
Central Management Server
The Limited Rights toolbox contains only the create and edit both reports and tools.
When HP Storage Essentials is installed, a Toolbox for Storage Essentials tools is added to this page.
See your HP Storage Essentials documentation for more information.
The Toolboxes tab provides the following options:
Create new toolboxes. Select OptionsSecurityUsers and AuthorizationsToolboxes, and
then click New. The New Toolbox section appears.
Edit existing toolbox. Select a toolbox to edit, select OptionsSecurityUsers and
AuthorizationsToolboxes, and then, click Edit. The Edit Toolbox section appears.
Delete toolboxes. Select toolboxes to delete, and then select OptionsSecurityUsers and
AuthorizationsToolboxes. A confirmation box appears. To delete the toolboxes, click OK, or to
cancel the deletion, click Cancel.
View and print toolbox reports. Select OptionsSecurityUsers and AuthorizationsToolbox es,
and then click Report. The Toolboxes Report appears. To print the report, select FilePrint.
NOTE: To sort information in ascending or descending order, click the appropriate column heading.
The column heading that includes the arrow is the column by which the list is sorted. If the arrow is
pointing up, the list is sorted in ascending order. If the arrow is pointing down, the list is sorted in
descending order.
Run SE user security configuration Toolboxes defined in HP SIM are not automatically shared with
HP Storage Essentials. Click Run SE role security configuration to create a toolbox equivalent (role)
in HP Storage Essentials. By default, HP SIM users have limited read access to all HP Storage Essentials
managed systems and features.
Related procedures
Creating new toolboxes
Editing toolboxes
Deleting toolboxes
Toolbox report
Related procedures
Users and user groups
Default user templates
Creating new toolboxes
Create a
to configure a group of
for each
has access. Toolboxes are set up so that some
users can use certain tools but not others. For example, an administrator has access to more tools than a
Toolboxes 139