HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

name. -->
<!ATTLIST toolbox toolbox-name CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!-- The role element specifies a role to associate with the tool. To
run a tool the user must be authorized with one of the specified
roles. This element is obsolete. The toolbox element should be
used instead. -->
<!-- See the toolbox element attribute description. -->
<!ATTLIST role role-name CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!-- The include-filter element specifies system attributes against
which to filter a tool for execution. A specified include-filter
element must contain one or more system-filter elements. When
filtering a tool each include-filter block is OR'd together to
get the final filter result. Each system-filter element within an
include-filter block is AND'd together. -->
<!ELEMENT include-filter (system-filter)+ >
<!-- The include-filter elements has one attribute. The type attribute
specifies the type of include filter to execute. Four types are
currently recognized. Three of them are os (operating system),
hardware, protocol filtering. The fourth type is called other which
will allow all other system attributes to be filtered upon.-->
<!ATTLIST include-filter type (os | hardware | protocol | other) "os" >
<!-- The system-filter element is an empty element that contains
attributes used to specify the system attributes against which to
filter a tool for execution. -->
<!ELEMENT system-filter EMPTY >
<!-- The system-filter element is specified with three attributes. The
name attribute specifies the system attribute name to filter
against. The operator attribute specifies whether to filter
against an equal value, a less than value, a greater than or
equal value, a contains value, a not equals value or a not
contains value. The operator name is case-insensitive. The
value attribute specifies the value of the system attribute to
filter against. -->
<!ATTLIST node-filter name CDATA #REQUIRED
operator (EQ | GE | LT | CT | NEQ | NCT |
eq | ge | lt | ct | neq | nct |
Eq | Ge | Lt | Ct | Neq | Nct |
eQ | gE | lT | cT | nEQ | nCT ) "EQ"
<!-- The attribute element specifies the name value pairs that
comprise client attributes. The client attribute name is
specified using the name attribute and the client attribute value
is specified as the PCDATA of the element. -->
Custom tools 359