HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

A Save successful informational message appears.
After successfully applying credentials for iLOs, the Collect License(s) button becomes enabled allowing
you to collect licenses again on the same page. Supply Credentials remains disabled until the next
collection detects any invalid credentials.
5. Click Collect License(s).
Collected license results displays.
When a collected license is different from one recorded in the License Manager database for this iLO 2, the
existing license record will be discarded and replaced with the new license just collected.
Collect Remote License Info is disabled until the current task finishes.
Related procedures
Managing licenses
Assigning and un-assigning licenses
Viewing licensed systems
Adding licenses individually
Adding licenses from a file
Related topics
License manager
System license information reporting
About licenses
Licensing with Insight Essentials applications
Viewing licensed systems
Although a target can be licensed to use a product, the product license might not appear in the interface or
report. Products can elect to not display all or some licensing details.
License manager 371