HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

System tab for a storage host
System tab for a storage array
Tools & Links tab
The system links you can view depend on the
configuration, the correct installation of agents and
protocols, and the polling tasks that interrogate the
. The Tools & Links tab includes:
System Management Pages
System Web Application Pages
HP Systems Insight Manager Pages
Storage Essentials Pages
NOTE: Depending on the DNS configurations, you might need to use the IP address or a FQDN name to
make the links work appropriately. For more information, see “Configuring the system link.
The Quick Launch hyperlink links to a short list of frequently used tools. Place your cursor over the link to
expand the menu and view the tools available for displayed systems. Selecting a tool from this list bypasses
the target verification page of the Task Wizard. You cannot schedule tools launched from this menu. Customize
this menu by clicking the Customize link in the Quick Launch menu.
System Management Pages
This section includes links that are provided by the HTTP Web Management on the system. These links are
for system management and status. If the system does not have Insight Management Agent, this section does
not appear. Some of the available links include the following:
HP Version Control Agent
HP Version Control Repository Manager
HP Insight Management Agent
System Web Application Pages
This section includes a list of web applications hosted by the system. Some of the available links include:
VMware Management Interface
Default Web Server
HP Systems Insight Manager Pages
This section contains links that are generated by HP SIM. Available links include:
The Data Collection Report link displays the data collection report for the system in a separate report
results window.
NOTE: The storage tables in the HP SIM's data collection reports are not populated with data because
the HP SIM SMI-S data collection is disabled.
NOTE: The data collection report is not available for clusters.
The System Protocol Settings link points to the Protocol Settings page, where you can set protocol
settings for this system.
The System Credentials link points to the System Credentials page, where you can view or edit
system credentials or cxreate protocol-independent and protocol-specific credentials.
fFor additional information, see “HP SIM credentials”.
462 Tools that extend management