HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

About administering events
Operating-system-specific collections, reports, and tools
Operating-system-specific collections
The following collections are removed if the associated operating system is not selected on the Managed
Environment page of the First Time Wizard or from the Managed Environment page in the HP SIM UI
(OptionsManaged Environment). These collections are located in the System and Event Collections
panel under Systems by Operating System and Cluster by Type, with the exception of All VSE
Resources which is located under Systems by Type. The following table lists collections by operating
SCO UnixHP-UXRed Hat LinuxMicrosoft Windows Server
HP Tru64 UNIXHP Serviceguard (under
Clusters by Type)
SuSE LinuxMicrosoft Windows Server
HP OpenVMSAll HP Integrity Virtual
LinuxMicrosoft Windows NT
HP NonStop ServerAll Virtual Partition Servers*All HP Serviceguard Clusters*Microsoft Windows XP
HP TruClustersAll Resource Partitions*Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me
OpenVMS ClustersAll Shared Resource Domains*MSCS Clusters
Novell NetwareAll HP Serviceguard Clusters*Microsoft Vista
All Virtual Partitions*Microsoft Windows 2000
HP Serviceguard (under
Clusters by Type)
All HP Integrity Virtual
* Located under All VSE Resources.
Operating-system-specific reports
The following reports are specific to HP-UX and are added or removed depending on whether HP-UX is
selected or not. Windows or Linux do not have specific reports.
Cellular Systems - Servers
HP-UX File System - HP-UX
HP-UX Kernel Parameters - HP-UX
HP-UX Logical Volume - HP-UX
HP-UX Network Details - HP-UX
HP-UX Physical Volume - HP-UX
HP-UX Software Bundle - HP-UX
HP-UX Software Product - HP-UX
HP-UX Volume Group - HP-UX
I-O Devices - HP-UX
Logical Memory Details - HP-UX
Operating System Details - HP-UX
Using the First Time Wizard 55