HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

NOTE: Since the System Protocol Settings page is initially filled with default settings based on the
corresponding values from the Global Protocol Settings page. The initial settings might not match current
values from an individual system.
Setting protocol settings for a single system or a group of similar systems.
1. Select OptionsProtocol SettingsSystem Protocol Settings.
3. Click Next. The System Protocol Settings page appears.
4. (Optional) To set system credentials, click System Credentials. The System Credentials page appears.
See “System credentialsfor more information.
5. In the Ping (ICMP) settings section, select Update values for this protocol to enable updating the
ICMP settings. If this is not selected, the settings are not updated. This option is disabled by default.
Select from the following:
Use global defaults.
Use values specified below. Enter the Timeout (seconds) and the Retries.
6. In the SNMP settings section, select Update values for this protocol to enable updating the SNMP
settings. If this is not selected, the settings are not updated. This option is disabled by default. Select
from the following:
Use global defaults.
Use values specified below. Enter the Timeout (seconds), Retries.
7. Click Previous to return to the previous screen without saving any changes, click Schedule to schedule
the task, or click Run Now to run the task immediately. See “Scheduling a taskfor more information
about scheduling tasks.
Note: If the Schedule and Run Now buttons are disabled, look for bold red error messages and correct
all of the problematic entries, to enable these buttons.
Related procedures
Setting global protocols
Setting protocols for a single system
Related topics
Global protocols
Setting protocols for a single system
Configure single-system protocol settings to fine-tune settings for an individual
. This page is accessed
from the Tools & Links tab on the System Page.
To set protocol settings for a single system:
1. Under HP Systems Insight Manager Pages, click System Protocol Settings. The System Protocol
Settings page appears.
2. In the Ping (ICMP) settings section, select Update values for this protocol to enable updating the
ICMP settings. If this is not selected, the settings are not updated. This option is disabled by default.
Select from the following:
Use global defaults.
Use values specified below. Enter the Timeout (seconds) and the Retries.
3. In the SNMP settings section, select Update values for this protocol to enable updating the SNMP
settings. If this is not selected, the settings are not updated. This option is disabled by default. Select
from the following:
Use global defaults.
Use values specified below. Enter the Timeout (seconds), Retries.
576 Administering systems and events