HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

3. Under Contents of selected version control repository, click the icon to drill down and view
the contents of the selected Version Control Repository.
Note: To expand the tree to display all contents, click the icon, located in the upper-left corner of
the Contents of selected version control repository section. Click the icon to collapse the
Note: Click any column heading to sort by that column in ascending or descending order.
Note: This section displays systems that are authorized by the current user. If the current user is not
authorized to view any systems with the HP Version Control Repository Manager, the system will not
be listed in the Select the default Version Control Repository section. If there are no
running the HP VCRM, a message appears, indicating that no repository could be found.
4. Click OK to apply your selection. A message appears, indicating if the repository setting was successfully
Related topics
Version Control
About the Version Control Repository Manager
About the Version Control Agent
PMP administrative options
HP Performance Management Pack
(PMP) administrative tools are available through HP SIM:
Configuration Enables you to monitor the performance of selected servers, change the monitoring
parameters of the monitored servers, and apply licenses to servers and additional licenses to PMP.
To access Configuration, select OptionsHP Performance Management Pack
To access help for this option, go to
https://middle_tier:2381/pmp/help/Monitoring_Administration.htm, where middle_tier is
the name or IP address of the server that HP SIM and PMP are installed, or access PMP
directory\Program Files\HP\HP Performance Management
Pack\PMP\htm\help\Monitoring_Administration.htm, where PMP directory is the PMP
directory on the server where PMP is installed.
Manual Log Purge Enables you to delete the unwanted or past logged data from the PMP repository.
To access Manual Log Purge, select OptionsHP Performance Management Pack
OptionsManual Log Purge.
To access help for this option, go to
https://middle_tier:2381/pmptools/help/ManualLogPurge.htm, where middle_tier is the
name or IP address of the server that HP SIM and PMP are installed, or access PMP
directory\Program Files\HP\HP Performance Management
Pack\PMPTools\htm\help\ManualLogPurge.htm, where PMP directory is the PMP directory
on the server where PMP is installed.
Related topics
PMP tools
PMP reporting options
Managing SSH keys
The SSH Keys feature enables you to view and manage the public
keys, stored in the known_hosts
file, from the
. SSH keys enable the CMS and a managed system to authenticate a secure connection.
598 Administering systems and events