HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

I am unable to successfully browse to managed systems from links in HP SIM (for example, you receive
browser timeouts or the message, The connection was interrupted)
The cause could be your browser's proxy settings or the web proxy itself. HP recommends not using
a web proxy server if it is optional in your environment.
If you must use a web proxy to access managed systems, the web proxy itself must resolve the system names
in URLs generated by HP SIM. By default, HP SIM uses an unqualified system name (for example, no domain
is present). If your proxy cannot resolve that style of name, change HP SIM to use IP addresses or full DNS
names when creating URL links. To do this, select OptionsSecuritySystem Link Configuration in HP
If you do not need to use a web proxy to access managed systems but you do need a web proxy for other
purposes, first try avoiding a proxy to verify that managing systems works properly in HP SIM. Then, re-enable
the browser's proxy settings and work on a proxy exception list for your managed systems.
In Internet Explorer, the Bypass proxy server for local addresses option is usually sufficient for HP SIM's
default System Link Configuration. Firefox does not have a setting that is equivalent to the Internet Explorer
setting for accessing local systems.
Configuring Firefox to accommodate HP SIM Add your managed systems' names to the proxy exception
list, or use a proxy auto-configuration (PAC) file that avoids a proxy for your managed systems.
Configuring HP SIM to accommodate Firefox To help simplify your proxy exception list, configure HP
SIM to use full DNS names when creating URL links. To do this, select OptionsSecuritySystem
Link Configuration in HP SIM
If you reconfigure HP SIM to use IP addresses or full DNS names in URL links, you must also include the
addresses or domains of your managed systems in your proxy exception lists for both Internet Explorer and
IMPORTANT: A side effect of changing HP SIM's System Link Configuration setting is that you might
encounter security alerts if the name of the managed system's certificate does not match the name in the link
that HP SIM generates.
Attempts to import the HP SIM certificate from cert.pem or server_cert.pem into a separate application
result in failure.
This might be caused by an improperly formed certificate file. Backup the certificate file. Then,
view the file using a text editor, and compare the last two lines before the END CERTIFICATE line. The
following is an example of a certificate file with duplication that can cause the failure:
If there is some duplication in the last two lines, manually edit the file to repair it. Be sure you have the file
backed up before attempting this. On the last line only, delete the characters, in groups of four, at the end
of the line that duplicate the characters from the line above it. All four characters in the group must be
identical, including case. Using the same example, the last two lines would look like this after editing:
Save the file, then try to import it into the desired application. Note that some applications are more lenient
than others and might work without fixing the certificate file.
I am receiving an error when running the mxcert -u command to create a new server certificate.
The command mxcert -u is only used by the HP SIM installation program. HP does not support
running this command.
618 Troubleshooting