HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

NOTE: This indication will appear as an Informational Event in the Event List of HP SIM.
If you do not receive test WBEM indications in the Event List, see “Troubleshooting”.
NOTE: This indication is supported only on HP-UX and Windows managed systems with
WBEM provider installed.
Use an HP SIM WBEM certificate (good for 10 years) rather than username/password to
manage the system This option deploys a WBEM certificate to the managed system and is
only valid for HP-UX systems.
Configure a nonadministrative account for HP SIM to access WMI data This option applies
to Windows systems with HP WBEM providers. The configuration of the managed system
updates to allow the specified user to access WMI information over the network. HP SIM uses
this user to read inventory and configuration information from the system and is configured
as the WBEM user in the System Credentials. If HP SIM is configured with a user with
administration rights, this configuration step is not necessary . HP SIM does not create this
user. The user already exists as either a domain user or one local to the managed system.
The user is added to the DCOM Users group on the managed system and has read-only
access to WMI information, and read-write permissions to the HPQ name space. This user
does not need to be an administrator of the managed system or have sign-in rights. The
domain administrator should create a special domain account.
To enter the credentials for HP SIM to use to access the managed systems:
1. In the User name field, enter a user name.
2. In the Password field, enter the password.
3. In the Password (Verify) field, re-enter the password exactly as it was entered in the
Password field.
4. In the Domain field, enter the Windows domain if the target belongs to a domain.
If configuration of a nonadministrative user is successful, then these credentials are saved
as the System Credentials for WBEM access in HP SIM.
Configure SNMP This section enables you to configure
a. Select Set read community string to specify a community string. By default, the first HP SIM
community string that is not public appears. If no community string exists in HP SIM, you must
enter one.
NOTE: If you configure only HP-UX systems with default SNMP installations, you do not
need to set this option. HP-UX enables read by default (get-community-name is set to public
by default on HP-UX systems).
NOTE: If you select this option, the Read Only community string is added to the target
systems. If the target system is SuSE Linux or Microsoft Windows 2003, the managed systems
do not always enable SNMP communication between themselves and a remote host. This
setting is modified to enable the instance of the HP SIM system to communicate using SNMP
with these target systems.
NOTE: You can enter a community string up to 255 characters.
NOTE: Repairing the SNMP settings adds a Read Write community string to the target
system only if one does not currently exist. This community string is unique for each system,
is composed of over 30 characters to include letters and numbers, and is visible only to the
user with administrator privileges for that system. This Read Write community string is required
by the Web Agent to perform certain threshold setting capabilities. This community string is
used locally only on the target system and is not used by HP SIM over the network. Linux and
62 Getting started