HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

4. Click Browse.
5. Navigate to and open C:\Program Files\Java Web Start\javaws.exe.
6. Select Always use this program to open these files.
7. Click OK.
Linux Mozilla browser solution:
1. Click Launch Serviceguard Manager.
2. Select Open withand Choose Program.
3. Click Choose.
4. Navigate to /usr/java/j2re1.4.2/javaws/javaws .
5. Select Always perform this action.
6. Click OK.
HP-UX Mozilla browser solution:
1. Click Launch Serviceguard Manager.
2. Select Open withand Choose Program.
3. Click Choose.
4. Navigate to/opt/java1.4/jre/javaws/javaws.
NOTE: If this path is not present, install the T1456AA with Java Web start.
5. Select Always perform this action.
6. Click OK.
I received an HTTP 404 error when I tried to launch Serviceguard Manager.
After installing HP SIM, SGM must be installed on the CMS platform (Windows, Linux, HP-UX). At
this time, SGM is registered with HP SIM. If, at a later time, you uninstall SGM, you will receive an HTTP
404 error if you try to launch it, because the SGM uninstall application deletes the directory sgmgr under
the HP SIM webapps directory, which is located at /opt/hpwebadmin/webapps on HP-UX and Linux and
at \Program Files\HP\Systems Insight Manager\hpwebadmin\webapps on Windows.
To avoid the HTTP 404 error in the future, remove the tool from HP SIM using the following command:
mxtool -r -f sgmw-web-tools.xml
If Serviceguard Manager is reinstalled in the future, add the tool to HP SIM again, using the following
mxtool -a -f sgmw-web-tools.xml
I cannot sign-in to HP SIM on Windows XP using a blank password.
Solution 1:
Use a non-blank password, which provides better security. Have an administrator reconfigure
the Windows User Accounts to specify a non-blank password.
Solution 2:
If you must use a blank password, disable the following Security Policy on the Windows XP
machine: Accounts: Limit local account use of blank passwords to console login only. Disabling
this policy allows remote logins over the network using accounts that have no passwords.
On a Windows system, to limit local account use of blank passwords to console sign in only, complete the
following procedure:
1. Open Local Security Settings MMC Application by selecting ProgramsAdministrative ToolsLocal
Security Policy.
2. Open the Local Security Policies folder, and then open the Security Options subfolder.
3. Disable the policy.
I cannot sign in to HP SIM on Windows XP.
If using a blank password, see the preceding problem. Otherwise, change the following Local
Security Policy on the Windows XP machine: Network Access: Sharing and security model for local
accounts from Guest Only to Classic.
638 Troubleshooting