HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
Additional information about the CIM_Chassis.ChassisTypesNVARCHAR(512)TypeDescriptions
Inherited from CIM_PhysicalElement.Version and is a string
indicating the version of the Physical Element
Inherited from CIM_PhysicalElement.OtherIdentifyingInfo.
Captures additional data, beyond that of Tag information,
that could be used to identify a Physical Element (One
example is bar code data associated with an Element that
also has an asset tag. If only bar code data is available
and is uniqueable to be used as an Element key, this
property would be NULL and the bar code data used as
the class key, in the Tag property)
A field used by reportingNVARCHAR(256)R_Model
CIM_ComponentCS table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
The ComputerSystem that contains and/or aggregates other
The contained (Sub)ComputerSystemBIGINTPartComponent
CIM_ComputerSystemPackage table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
A field used by reportingBIGINTAntecedent
A field used by reportingBIGINTDependent
CIM_ComputerSystem table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
LUID uniquely defining this table rowBIGINTComputerSystem_LUID
Partly identifies CIM_ComputerSystemBIGINTNodeID
Partly identifies CIM_ComputerSystemBIGINTSnapshotID
The inherited Name serves as key of a System instance in
an enterprise environment
CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the
subclass used in the creation of an instance (When used
with the other key properties of this class, this property
allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be
uniquely identified.)
The Description property provides a textual description of
the object
The Caption property is a short textual description (one-
line string) of the object
Inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement.Status and is
a string indicating the current status of the object
A string that provides information on how the primary
system owner can be reached
The name of the primary system ownerNVARCHAR(64)PrimaryOwnerName
Not standard, based on CIM_Person.Pager and includes
pager information for the primary owner
Not standard and includes information describing the
physical location of this system
664 Reference information