HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
Inherited from CIM_ManagedElement.Description; a textual
description of an object
The label by which this object is knownNVARCHAR(256)Name
Inherited from CIM_PhysicalComponent.HotSwappable; (Is
HotSwappable if it is possible to replace the Element with
a physically different but equivalent one while the
containing package has power applied to it (for example,
is on))
The name of the organization responsible for producing
the Physical Element (This can be the entity from whom the
element is purchased, but this is not necessarily true. The
latter information is contained in the Vendor property of
The name by which the Physical Element is generally knownNVARCHAR(64)Model
A manufacturer-allocated number used to identify the
Physical Element
A string indicating the version of the Physical ElementNVARCHAR(256)Version
CIM_PhysicalMemory table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
LUID uniquely defining this table rowBIGINTPhysicalMemory_LUID
CreationClassName identifies CIM_PhysicalMemory;
equates to CIM_PhysicalMemory
Tag partly identifies CIM_PhysicalMemory; inherited from
CIM_PhysicalElement.Tag; an arbitrary string that uniquely
identifies the Physical Element and serves as the Element's
key and can contain information such as asset tag or serial
number data
The type of physical memory
(CIM_PhysicalMemory.MemoryType Enumeration. 0 =
Unknown, 1 = Other, 2 = DRAM, 3 = Synchronous DRAM,
4 = Cache DRAM, 5 = EDO, 6 = EDRAM, 7 = VRAM, 8
= SRAM, 9 = RAM, 10 = ROM, 11 = Flash, 12 = EEPROM,
13 = FEPROM, 14 = EPROM, 15 = CDRAM, 16 = 3DRAM,
17 = SDRAM, 18 = SGRAM, 19 = RDRAM, 20 = DDR)
The total capacity of this PhysicalMemory in bytesBIGINTCapacity
A field used by reportingNVARCHAR(256)R_MemoryType
A field used by reportingNVARCHAR(256)R_MemoryTech
Derived from CIM_Chip (The implementation form factor
for the Chip. CIM_PhysicalMemory.FormFactor enumeration.
0 = Unknown, 1 = Other, 2 = SIP, 3 = DIP, 4 = ZIP, 5 =
SOJ, 6 = Proprietary, 7 = SIMM, 8 = DIMM, 9 = TSOP,
10 = PGA, 11 = RIMM, 12 = SODIMM, 13 = SRIMM, 14
= SMD, 15 = SSMP, 16 = QFP, 17 = TQFP, 18 = SOIC,
19 = LCC, 20 = PLCC, 21 = BGA, 22 = FPBGA, 23 =
The part number assigned by the organization responsible
for producing or manufacturing the Physical Element
A manufacturer-allocated number used to identify the
Physical Element
Not standard; the main error correction scheme supported
by this memory component
678 Reference information