HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
Not standard; The redundancy state of the power supplyNVARCHAR(512)dc_RedundancyState
Not standard; capacity and or output power of the power
supply in watts
CIM_PowerSupply table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
LUID uniquely defining this table rowBIGINTPowerSupply_LUID
Node partly identifies CIM_PowerSupplyBIGINTNodeID
Snapshot partly identifies CIM_PowerSupplyBIGINTSnapshotID
CreationClassName partly identifies CIM_PowerSupply;
equates to CIM_PowerSupply
DeviceID partly identifies CIM_PowerSupply; inherited from
CIM_LogicalDevice.DeviceID; an address or other
identifying information to uniquely name the Logical Device
SystemCreationClassName partly identifies
CIM_PowerSupply (When related data is in
CIM_PhysicalElement, this field equates to
CIM_PhysicalElement. Otherwise, CIM_ComputerSystem.)
The value of CIM_PhysicalElement.Name or
CIM_ComputerSystem.Name where NodeID is equal.
A label by which the object is knownNVARCHAR(256)Name
The primary availability and status of the System (Additional
status information can be specified using the
AdditionalAvailability array property. For example, the
Availability property indicates that the System is running
and has full power (value=3) or is in a warning (value =
4), test (value = 5), degraded (value = 10), or power save
state (values 13-15 and 17). Regarding the Power Save
states, these are defined as follows: Value 13 (\"Power
Save - Unknown\") indicates that the system is known to
be in a power save mode, but its exact status in this mode
is unknown; value 14 (\"Power Save - Low Power Mode\")
indicates that the system is in a power save state but still
functioning and might exhibit degraded performance; value
15 (\"Power Save - Standby\") describes that the system
is not functioning but could be brought to full power quickly;
and value 17 (\"Power Save - Warning\") indicates that
the system is in a warning state, though also in a power
save mode. CIM_LogicalDevice.Availabiltiy enumeration.
1 = Other, 2 = Unknown, 3 = Running/Full Power, 4 =
Warning, 5 = In Test, 6 = Not Applicable, 7 = Power Off,
8 = off Line, 9 = Off Duty, 10 = Degraded, 11 = Not
Installed, 12 = Install Error, 13 = Power Save - Unknown,
14 = Power Save - Low Power Mode, 15 = Power Save -
Standby, 16 = Power Cycle, 17 = Power Save - Warning,
18 = Paused, 19 = Not Ready, 20 = Not Configured, 21
= Quiesced)
Additional availability and status of the device, beyond
that specified in the Availability property (The property
denotes the primary status and availability of the device.
In some cases, this is not sufficient to denote the complete
status of the device. In those cases, the
AdditionalAvailability property can be used to provide
further information. For example, a device primary
Availability might be \"Off line\" (value=8), but it might
also be in a low power state (AdditonalAvailability
value=14), or the device could be running Diagnostics
(AdditionalAvailability value=5, \"In Test\"). See
CIM_PowerSupply.Availabiltiy enumeration.)
Represents the total output power of the PowerSupply in
milliWatts; 0 denotes Unknown units (milliWatts)
680 Reference information