HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

NodeSnapshot table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
Snapshot partly identifies NodeSnapshotBIGINTSnapshot_LUID
Node partly identifies NodeSnapshotBIGINTNodeID
Contains the user-defined tagNVARCHAR(256)Tag
Description of the user-defined tagNVARCHAR(512)Description
Stored as MS since the EpochBIGINTCollectionDateTime
Additional collection status informationNVARCHAR(512)DetailedInformation
Binary status information. Zero indicates no errorSMALLINTReturnCode
Status of the snapshot for the system; used by different
Currently unused, reservedINTDataAvailable
Currently unused, reserved for collection filter IDBIGINTFilterID
NodeTypesEnum table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
The enumeration identifier for this entry (This can be used
when linking in the deviceTypesEnum view. This should also
match the productType value in the devices table.)
Unique (non displayable) string used for identifying a
product type (This is the only value guaranteed to be unique
across any installation.)
NodeSubTypesEnum table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
The enumeration identifier for this entry (This can be used
when linking in the deviceSubTypesEnum view.)
This is a unique (non displayable) string used for identifying
a product subtype (This is the only value guaranteed to be
unique across any installation. This can be linked to the
devices tables productSubType field.)
Notices table
The Notices table contains all the events received or generated, such as Discovered Device events, SNMP
traps and so on. The Notices fields are defined in the following table.
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
Unique identifier for this notice instanceINT*NoticeId
1=In Progress
2=Not Cleared (active)
Index into the noticeType tableINTNoticeType
1 = Normal, 2 = Warning, 3 = Minor, 4 = Major, 5 =
Critical, 100 = Informational
Index into the devices tableINTDeviceKey
Database tables 717