HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

remove all disk
A task provided by HP SIM to remove disk thresholds for systems in an associated collection. This
task only removes disk thresholds that were set by HP SIM or by browsing directly to the Web
Agent. Any thresholds set by HP SIM for Windows 32, including disk thresholds, are not removed
by this task.
Replicate Agent
A tool that can be used to copy web-based agent settings to a group of systems.
repository A directory containing HP ProLiant Support Pack or Integrity Support Packs and Smart Components.
Resource Partition A subset of the resources owned by an operating system instance. The use of those resources is
controlled through technologies such as the Fair Share Scheduler, pSets, and Memory Resource
A resource partition also has a set of processes associated with it, and only those processes can
use the resources within the resource partition. Policies established by tools such as Process
Resource Manager (PRM), Workload Manager (WLM), or Global Workload Manager (gWLM)
control how resources are allocated to the set of resource partitions within an operating system
RSP A baseline bundle of HP software components that the HP Version Control Agent can be configured
to point to in the repository. This setting enables users to indicate that they want to keep all of
their software up to a certain Support Pack level.
rule set Conditions, policies, or criteria applied to system information to determine what it is.
HP System
Homepage (SMH)
An integrated piece of software used by the HP suite of HP Web-enabled System Management
Software to communicate over HTTP and HTTPS. It provides a uniform set of functionality and
security to HP Web-enabled System Management Software.
search criteria A set of variables (information) used to define a requested subset of information from the HP SIM
Secure HTTP
An extension to the HTTP protocol that supports sending data securely over the web.
Secure Shell (SSH) A program to log in to another system over a network and execute commands on that system. It
also enables you to move files from one system to another, and it provides authentication and
secure communications over insecure channels.
Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL)
A standard protocol layer that lies between HTTP and TCP and provides privacy and message
integrity between a client and server. A common usage of SSL is to provide authentication of the
server, so clients can be assured they are communicating with the server it claims to be. It is
application protocol independent.
secure task
execution (STE)
A feature of HP SIM that securely executes a task from a managed system. STE ensures that the
user requesting the task has the appropriate rights to perform the task, and encrypts the request
to protect data from snooping.
security roles A feature that enables administrators to restrict system access and manage access on a per-user
or per-group basis. This capability enables systems administrators to delegate tasks to junior staff
without providing access to advanced or dangerous features. It also enables systems administrators
to delegate management of systems to specific organizations or customers without providing
access to systems owned by other organizations or customers.
A certificate that is its own Certificate Authority (CA), such that the subject and the CA are the
See also
certificate, certificate authority.
server blade Typically a very dense server system containing microprocessors, memory, and network connections
that can be easily inserted into a rack-mountable enclosure to share power supplies, fans, switches,
and other components with other server blades. Server blades tend to be more cost-efficient,
faster to deploy, and easier to adapt to growth and change than traditional rack-mounted or
tower servers.
See also
730 glossary