Getting started with HP SIM 5.3 in a smaller Windows environment (417431-005, January 2008)

12. To go to the next First Time Wizard step, click [Next], or to return to the previous step, click
Configuring privilege elevation on HP-UX
From this page, you can enable privilege elevation for Linux, HP-UX, and ESX managed systems. This
enables you to sign in as an unprivileged user and elevate the privilege to run on these operating
You can also configure privilege elevation from the HP SIM menu by selecting Options
Security Privilege Elevation.
1. To configure privilege elevation for ESX systems, select Enable privilege elevation for
VMware ESX.
To configure privilege elevation for Linux and HP-UX systems, select Enable privilege
elevation for Linux & HP-UX.
2. Select the elevation tool type from the menu.
If a password is required for the tool, select A password is required for this privilege elevation
3. (Optional) Edit the Privilege elevation tool command.
4. Select the user to sign in to the managed system:
Same as HP SIM signed-in user
Specify at run time
Use this user and enter the user name
4. To go to the next First Time Wizard step, click [Next], or to return to the previous step, click
Configuring e-mail settings
To use the First Time Wizard to configure HP SIM to send e-mail notifications through automatic
event handling:
1. Enter the SMTP host name. The SMTP host is the outgoing e-mail server that the CMS uses
to send e-mail notifications.
2. In the Sender's e-mail address box, enter the e-mail address that the management server
uses when sending e-mail notifications.
3. (Optional) Select Send test email and enter recipients e-mail address. Click Send test
email now.
4. To authenticate your SMTP server, select Server Requires Authentication.
5. Enter the account user name and password in the corresponding boxes.
Note If you did not enter a valid Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) host, HP SIM notifies
you that it cannot send e-mail notifications. If you do not want to enter e-mail settings now,
click OK, or to enter a valid SMTP host, click Cancel.
Note: If the Server Requires Authentication option is selected, and you enter incorrect
account information, e-mail event notifications do not reach the intended recipients.