HP Systems Insight Manager 6.2 User Guide

Annotating the portal UI
Annotation refers to adding a small amount of textual information, such as the name of the Central
Management Server (CMS), near the product name when browsing to the CMS. Areas that can be annotated
are the browser’s title bar, the sign-in page, and the banner. Annotation is supported by adding values to
globalsettings.props entries whose names are:
The names all begin with ANNOTATION_ so that they sort together and are easy to find. They end with
_HTML or _TEXT to indicate how the value is treated: as HTML or text. Note that simple text is valid HTML.
Browser title annotation uses ANNOTATION_BROWSER_TITLE_TEXT:
The annotation is appended to the product name in the browser title.
The annotation is treated as text.
The annotation is prepended with a space.
page annotation uses ANNOTATION_SIGN_IN_PAGE_HTML:
The annotation is put below the product name.
The annotation is treated as HTML.
The annotation uses the same style (font, font size, and so on) as the product name but can be modified
by using HTML in the annotation.
Banner annotation uses ANNOTATION_BANNER_HTML:
The annotation is appended to the product name in the banner of the portal.
The annotation is prepended with a space, for both maximized and normal portal states.
The annotation uses the same style (font, font size, etc.) as the product name but can be modified by
using HTML in the annotation.
The globalsettings.props file is a text file that can be manually edited. It is located at:
On Windows: It is typically located at C:\Program Files\HP\Systems Insight
On HP-UX and Linux: It is located at /etc/opt/mx/config/globalsettings.props.
Alternatively, when setting simple values, the mxglobalsettings command line utility can be used. The
following is an example of setting simple values from the command line:
mxglobalsettings -s ANNOTATION_SIGN_IN_PAGE_HTML=alwayson.company.com
mxglobalsettings -s "ANNOTATION_BANNER_HTML=- alwayson.company.com"
mxglobalsettings -s "ANNOTATION_BROWSER_TITLE_TEXT=- alwayson.company.com"
Security bulletins
HP software products contain multiple third-party components, such as OpenSSL. HP discloses that the non-HP
owned software components listed in the HP Systems Insight Manager end user license agreement (EULA)
are included with HP Systems Insight Manager.
To view the EULA, use a text editor to open the eula_license.xml file, and search for third-party
software .
HP addresses security bulletins for the software components listed in the EULA with the same level of support
afforded HP products. HP is committed to reducing security defects and helping you mitigate the risks
associated with security defects when they do occur.
HP has a well defined process when a security defect is found that culminates with the publication of a
security bulletin. The security bulletin provides you with a high level description of the problem and explains
how to mitigate the security defect.
124 Important Notes