HP StorageWorks TapeAssure service version 1.1 User guide (EH957-90925, September 2010)

Q: Can I set up TapeAssure to email me the service actions?
A: Yes. This is done from the Command View TL GUI. Please see the HP StorageWorks Interface
Manager and Command View TL user guide for details.
Q: What if I want to change my Command View TL server?
A: The Command View TL server is set up as a configuration for the TapeAssure service. If the URL of
the server is changed in the configuration then the TapeAssure data will be sent to the new location.
If the URL is invalid or there is a problem with the Command View TL server, the HP TapeAssure data
will remain on the backup server until the problem is resolved. Data is not lost unless the capacity set
in the configuration is exceeded at which point you must remove the old data to make way for the
most recent.
Q: Why arent my drives being monitored?
A: There are a number of reasons why drive data might not appear on the Command View TL
TapeAssure tab. Follow the checks in Chapter 4, page 25 which trace the whole process from drive
discovery through to presentation on the Command View TL GUI.
Q: Is there a non-English version of TapeAssure?
A: Not at this time.
Neither the TapeAssure service or Command View TL are localized and there are no plans to do
so at the current time.
Some of the documentation will be available in Japanese soon after initial launch.
If you have a localization request please get in touch through the contact email address . If we
receive sufficient requests we will consider supporting that in a future release.
Q: What is a filter driver? Is it safe?
A filter driver is a small piece of code that fits in the I/O stack between the top level class driver
(for example, Tape0) and the driver for the HBA.
It passes commands from the application down and responses from the drive back up while also
allowing commands and responses to be sent and received by the TapeAssure service. These
apparently concurrent IO requests are synchronized so that the drive only receives one at a time.
The filter driver is small, fast and has been extremely well tested against all major backup applic-
ations on a large variety of hardware and operating systems. It is very robust and has been digitally
signed by Microsoft.
Q: Where do I go if I have a problem?
A: For most common issues, see Chapter 4, page 25
If this does not address the issue, call HP support or send an email directly to the TapeAssure team
at TapeAssure@hp.com. Email response is normally within 24 hours.
Q: Can I uninstall it?
A: Yes. Follow the normal removal process as for any application. The system will need to be re-booted
afterwards. The filter driver is installed and uninstalled as part of the TapeAssure service.
Q: Does HP TapeAssure support DDS/DAT devices?
A: Not at this time.
Frequently asked questions36