Installing HP-UX 11.0 and Updating HP-UX 10.x to 11.0 HP 9000 Computers Edition 1

224 Appendix B
Using Configuration Files
Combining Config Files Via INDEX Entries
Combining Config Files Via INDEX
The grouping of config files into useful configurations is accomplished in
the INDEX file (/var/opt/ignite/ INDEX). This file contains a list of
valid configurations, each of which is made up of one or more config files.
The list of these configurations is presented in the UI as the basic
starting point. For example, the INDEX file might contain the following:
cfg "HP-UX B.10.20 Default" {
description "This selection supplies the default
system configuration that HP
supplies for the B.10.20
cfg "CAD System - 10.10" {
description "This selection is the typical CAD system insta
for HP-UX B.10.10"
} = TRUE
With this INDEX file, the UI would present two different configurations:
"HP-UX B.10.20 Default" and "CAD System - 10.10". The "CAD System -
10.10" configuration is the default (it is marked TRUE). Once you choose
one of these base configurations, you can do further customizations with
the UI if necessary, or just accept the defaults the configuration provided
and do the install immediately.
If you selected "CAD System - 10.10", you would get the combination of
the five config files listed for that clause. The order of the config files is
significant; attributes specified in a later config file can override the
same attributes specified in an earlier config file. There are also two
config files which are implicitly used every time. Any information stored