HP Instant Capacity User's Guide for versions B.07.x

Temporary Instant Capacity for Unlicensed Processors
Temporary Instant Capacity Overview
Chapter 574
Temporary Instant Capacity Overview
You can purchase an amount of temporary capacity (TiCAP) time for
currently unlicensed (and inactive) processors in your Instant Capacity
system. Temporary capacity can be purchased in units of multiple
processor-days. Temporary capacity allows one or more inactive
processors to be activated for up to the specified period of pre-paid
processor minutes, without requiring permanent license(s) for the
You can activate and deactivate inactive processors as you wish until the
elapsed activation time equals your prepaid temporary capacity
duration. For example, with a prepaid duration of 30 processor-days of
temporary capacity, you can activate one processor for 30 days or four
processors for one hour a day for 180 days (or any combination that totals
43,200 processor-minutes).
Temporary capacity activations are persistent. That is, activations using
temporary capacity survive in a partition that is rebooted. You must
deactivate processors to stop consumption of temporary capacity. The
processors deactivated need not be on the same partition as those you
activated to start consuming temporary capacity.
NOTE Temporary capacity credits are not transferable from one system to
another. They may be used on any partition in the system for which they
were purchased.
If temporary capacity is depleted and you continue to have more active
processors than licensed processors across the complex, on the next
reboot of any partition in the complex the software will automatically
deactivate one or more unlicensed processors in order to bring the
system into a state closer to licensing compliance. The Instant Capacity
software will deactivate as many processors as is necessary to either stop
consumption of temporary capacity or to bring the partition to the
minimum number of required active processors.