Managing Superdome Complexes: A Guide for HP-UX System Administrators

Managing the Overall Complex
Viewing the Current Status of the Complex
Chapter 3106
Partition Manager
Step 1. Run the Partition Manager (parmgr).
The Partition Manager can be run from:
an HP-UX command line
a Web browser
# parstatus -V -c2
Hardware Location : cab0,cell2
Global Cell Number : 2
Actual Usage : active base
Normal Usage : base
Connected To : cab 0,bay1,chassis3
[Memory Details]
DIMM Size (MB) Status
==== ========= =========
0 512 ok
1 512 ok
2 512 ok
3 512 failed
4 512 ok
5 512 ok
6 512 ok
7 512 failed
8 512 ok
9 512 ok
10 512 ok
11 512 failed
12 512 ok
13 512 ok
14 512 ok
15 512 failed
16 512 ok
17 512 ok
18 512 ok
19 512 ok
20 512 ok
21 512 ok
22 512 ok
23 512 ok
24 512 ok
25 512 ok
26 512 ok
27 512 ok
28 512 ok
29 512 ok
30 512 ok
31 512 ok
DIMM OK : 28
DIMM Deconf : 4
Max DIMMs : 32
Memory OK : 14.00 GB
Memory Deconf : 2.00 GB