Managing Superdome Complexes: A Guide for HP-UX System Administrators

Booting and Resetting Superdome Partitions
Overview of Partition Booting Concepts and Issues
Chapter 5 231
Requirements for Booting Partitions
Before you boot a partition, HP recommends that the partition meet the
requirements listed here.
All partitions within a Superdome complex must conform to an
HP-recommended complex configuration.
See Chapter 4, “Configuring and Managing Superdome Partitions,
on page 113 for partition requirements and guidelines.
All the partition’s cells that are designated to be used during the
current partition boot should be powered on.
Any cells not powered on will not be available to the partition. During
partition rendezvous, the partition will wait up to 10 minutes for all
designated cells (those set to be used on the current boot) to report in
to the partition and rendezvous.
The partition does not wait to rendezvous with assigned cells that are
designated to not be used for the current boot (inactive cells).
All I/O devices for the partition should be powered on.
All complex profile information for the partition must be coherent.
This means all cells assigned to the partition must have identical
complex profile information (Partition Configuration Data). This is
managed by the partition configuration tools, described in Chapter 4,
“Configuring and Managing Superdome Partitions,” on page 113.
After you add or remove a cell from a partition, you must perform a
reboot-for-reconfig of the partition to synchronize the complex profile
data throughout the partition; this also causes all the partition’s cells
to boot and allows the assigned and active cells to go through the
partition rendezvous procedure.
For details on configuring partitions see Chapter 4, “Configuring and
Managing Superdome Partitions,” on page 113. See also Chapter 3,
“Managing the Overall Complex,” on page 57 for details about powering
on and powering off system components.