Managing Superdome Complexes: A Guide for HP-UX System Administrators

Booting and Resetting Superdome Partitions
Procedures for Booting and Resetting Partitions
Chapter 5 263
Performing a Reboot-for-Reconfig for a Partition
When you perform a reboot-for-reconfig of a partition, the HP-UX
command that you issue (shutdown or reboot) does the following tasks:
Shuts down HP-UX and resets all cells that are assigned to the
partition, including any inactive cells.
Reconfigures the partition if necessary (adds or removes cells).
Boots all cells in the partition.
You should perform a reboot-for-reconfig of a partition whenever you add
or remove cells from the partition, and whenever you need to allow an
inactive cell to join the partition (such as after changing a cell’s
use-on-next-boot value from “n” to “y”).
HP-UX Use the following procedure to perform a reboot-for-reconfig for a
Step 1. Log in to HP-UX running on the partition.
You can log in to HP-UX on the partition either by directly connecting
with telnet or rlogin, or by logging in to its complex’s GSP and
accessing the partition’s console. Connecting through the GSP allows you
to maintain partition console access after HP-UX has shut down.
Step 2. Issue the shutdown or reboot command and specify the -R option.
The shutdown -R and reboot -R commands shut down HP-UX, reboot
all cells assigned to the partition, performany partition reconfigurations,
and boot all cells.
NOTE The reboot command does not invoke the shutdown scripts associated
with subsystems. The shutdown command invokes the scripts and
terminates all running processes in an orderly and cautious manner.
You can perform this task using HP-UX commands.
“HP-UX” on page 263