Managing Superdome Complexes: A Guide for HP-UX System Administrators

Managing the Overall Complex
Introduction to Complex-wide Tasks
Chapter 358
Introduction to Complex-wide Tasks
The tasks described in this chapter are arranged in three categories:
“Viewing / Setting the Complex Hardware Configuration” on page 61
“Detecting / Controlling Power in the Complex” on page 83
“Viewing the Current Status of the Complex” on page 101
The following table lists the tasks you will need to do in order to manage
the components of a Superdome complex that are common to all
partitions, the complex-wide tasks. The procedures for accomplishing
these tasks are described throughout the chapter.
You can use the following tools to perform these tasks.
BCH The Boot Console Handler (BCH) interface.
GSP Guardian Service Processor (GSP) menus.
HP-UX commands related to Superdome administration.
The Partition Manager, a graphical interface for managing the
components and partitions in your Superdome complex.
When a task can be performed using your choice of more than one of the
above tools, a procedure is provided for each tool.
Table 3-1 HP Superdome Complex-Wide Tasks
Task Description Tools
“Naming / Renaming a Superdome Complex”
on page 62
Partition Manager (parmgr)
“Determining Which Partitions are Defined in
the Complex” on page 63
HP-UX Commands: parstatus
Partition Manager (parmgr)
“Determining How Many Cabinets are Present
in a Complex” on page 65
HP-UX Commands: parstatus
Partition Manager (parmgr)