NFS Performance Tuning for HP-UX 11.0 and 11i Systems

nfs performance tuning for hp-ux 11.0 and 11i systems page 3
Page 3July 22, 2002
Copyright 2002 Hewlett- Packard Company
(part two)
NFS Mount Options
Buffer Cache
Kernel Parameter Tuning
Summarize differences
between HP-UX 11.0 &
11i NFS implementations
There are many NFS-specific mount options available. Some of these options can
have a positive impact on performance, while others can have a dramatically
negative effect. It is important to know which options to use and which to avoid.
The buffer cache memory subsystem is heavily used by NFS. Sizing this resource
properly on the client and server is critical. In addition to sizing considerations, it
is also important to understand the differences between static and dynamic buffer
cache allocation mechanisms and recognize which one to use in your environment.
Since much of NFS runs in the kernel, it should come as no surprise that there are
many kernel parameters that can influence the behavior and performance of NFS.
Tuning these parameters can be time consuming, but is well worth the effort.
Some of the NFS differences between HP-UX 11.0 and 11i are discussed during
the presentation. A complete summary of these differences, as well as a high-level
summary of all the tuning recommendations, is provided at the end.