PCI Token Ring Administrator's Guide

Token Ring Interface Card Statistics
Token Ring-Like Functional Group
Appendix A 119
Ring Open Status The entry indicates the success, or the reason for
failure, of the station’s most recent attempt to enterthe
Ring Speed The bandwidth of the ring.
Up Stream Node Address
The MAC address of the up-stream neighbor station on
the ring. Currently not supported.
Table A-5 Status of Station Entry Attempt
1 noOpen
2 badParam
3 lobeFailed
4 signal loss
5 insertion Timeout
6 ringFailed
7 beaconing
8 duplicateMAC
9 requestFailed
10 removeFailed
11 open (last open
Table A-6 Ring Bandwidth
1 unknown
2 oneMegabit
3 fourMegabit
4 sixteenMegabit
5 hundredMegabit