ACC Error Guide

ZMON Error Messages
ZMON Error Messages
Chapter 6158
Message 335 - Error: Missing bc1/bc bus address field. Input line:
<string> From helper script: <script-name>
Explanation: Output read form the script <script-name> was
<string>, rather than bus converter address.
Action: Verify that the script file has not been corrupted. If the
problem recurs, contact HP support.
Message 336 - Could not convert bc/bc1 value, <bc-string> to an
integer. Errno <errno>: <errno msg> Input line: <string> from helper
script: <script-name>
Explanation: The string <bc-string> is expected to be a valid integer.
The file system error <errno> with explanation <errno
msg> has occurred in converting this string to an
Action: Verify that the script file has not been corrupted. If the
problem recurs, contact HP support.
Message 337 - Error: Missing expected bc/card bus address field. Input
line: <string> from helper script: <script-name>
Explanation: Output read form the script <script-name> was
<string>, rather than bus converter address.
Action: Verify that the script file has not been corrupted. If the
problem recurs, contact HP support.
Message 338 - Could not convert bc/card value, <bc-string> to an
integer. Errno <errno>: <errno msg> Input line: <string> from helper
script: <script-name>
Explanation: The string <bc-string> is expected to be a valid integer.
The file system error <errno> with explanation <errno
msg> has occurred in converting this string to an
Action: Verify that the script file has not been corrupted. If the
problem recurs, contact HP support.