ACC Error Guide

ZCOM Error Codes
Meanings of the Error Codes
Chapter 2 33
ZEBADBH (-40): Corrupted buffer header
Explanation: Data corruption within the ZCOM subsystem.
Action: Contact your HP support representative.
ZEDSCLOCK (-41): DSC function is disabled
Explanation: This error is returned when a Dynamic System
Configuration function has been requested and the
DSC functionality has been disabled (see zconfig).
Usually an application program is suspended until
DSC is enabled again. However, in certain situation
(e.g. a remote DSC request), the caller is not suspended
and this error is returned.
Action: Try again later or use zconfig to enable the DSC
ZESPLOST (-42): No buffer for remote response
Explanation: This error is returned when a remote API request is
issued and there are no buffers available in the local
system to store the completion response returned by
the remote system.
Action: Check for abnormal buffer usage in the local ZCOM
subsystem or increase the size of the Buffer-Pool
parameter in your TTGEN configuration file on the
local system.
ZEACTIVE (-43): Terminal or interface is busy
Explanation: A request (e.g. delete terminal) has been made that
requires the specified terminal or interface be in an
inactive and disabled state. However, it was
determined that the terminal or interface was not
disabled, was still being accessed, or was processing an
I/O request. Usually, this error is returned because the
application tried to delete an interface or terminal
without issuing all of the requests needed to place the
terminal or interface into a state where it can be