ACC Utilities Reference Guide

ZSCAN - Display ZCOM Tables & Buffers
ZSCAN Available Commands
Chapter 5150
19 Not initialized
20 Not initialized
zscan> zl 1 9999 p
ZLU#(Cksum) Name.... Owner Status............................... Timer Clock
1001(30214) pcapt00 1804 Link to queue 00001, 0 messages 2 2
1002(56185) X25CN 1805 Link to queue 00002, 0 messages 0
1003(63457) Zt01875 1875 Link to queue 00003, 2 messages 0
1004(63439) Za01875 1875 Link to queue 00004, 0 messages 0
! Execute Shell Command
Format: !shell_command_string
The ! command allows a temporary shell to be started from ZSCAN to
execute the shell command that follows the !. This allows the shell
commands to be executed without losing the command stack.
?, ?? - Help on ZSCAN Command
Format: ? [command]
Format: ?? [command]
These 2 commands are the same. They show the help text of a
[command]. If [command] is not specified, the list of all available ZSCAN
commands is shown.
These are the same as the help command.