ACC Utilities Reference Guide

TTGEN - ZCOM System Table Generator
Creating the TTGEN Configuration File
Chapter 2 57
ZLU The terminal ZLU number. The terminal ZLU numbers
do not have to be allocated sequentially, but must be
unique for each terminal. The valid range of values is
1…Terminal-ZLU (defined in the Configuration
in:p The V or X series interface number and port number
through which the terminal ZLU is communicating to
the system.
in:p:sch The E1/T1 interface number, port number and
subchannel number through which the terminal ZLU is
communicating to the system.
type The terminal type is also known as the device type. It is
defined in the binary file created by the ZDGEN
program under the heading “Name”. An example of a
device type is “X25.SVC.IN”. Other available device
types are referenced under the section on ZDGEN in
this manual and in /opt/acc/cfg/zcomdevice.txt on
your system.
poll The poll code for the terminal ZLU (in decimal or in
hexadecimal - nnnnH). One or two bytes may be
specified. The most significant byte is the group
address; the least significant byte is the device address.
If only a single address is given then it is located in the
group address, not the device address. For HDLC or
X25 terminals (VCs), some pre-defined poll and select
values are defined in the /opt/acc/cfg/ttgendefine
include file. The poll word is a protocol dependent
value. You should consult the appropriate protocol
reference manual for the correct setting for this field.
select The select code for the terminal (in decimal or in
hexadecimal - nnnnH). One or two bytes may be
specified. These bytes function the same as in the poll
entry above. For HDLC or X25 terminals (VCs), some
pre-defined poll and select values are defined in the
/opt/acc/cfg/ttgendefine include file. The select word
is a protocol dependent value. You should consult the
appropriate protocol reference manual for the correct
setting for this field.